Feenix is a crowdfunding platform in South Africa that assists university students in raising funds for their education expenses. It connects donors with students in need, enabling a community-driven approach to financial support. 

Students eligible for Feenix include those who are enrolled in a South African public university or TVET college, facing financial hardships, and achieving academic success. 

To apply, students create a profile on the Feenix website, sharing their story and financial situation. Donors can then contribute towards the student’s education fund. 

Feenix offers an innovative way for students to access the financial resources they require to pursue their studies and achieve their goals.

Click here to apply for Feenix: https://feenix.org/register/type

Feenix Crowd Funding empowers South African students by creating a vibrant community of support, where dreams take flight through collective generosity and educational opportunities become limitless.


ONLINE APPLICATION:: https://feenix.org/register/type 

CALL: +27 (0)63 968 7544

FOR QUERIES:[email protected]